Thursday, January 27, 2011

Bashing William was right.

Sipsey Street provided the link.

White House to Push Gun Control

And Bill called it.

And I just purchased two more guns this past week. LOL

Sadly, none of those High Capacity Shoulder things that Go up. ROFLMAO.



Mayberry said...

Ah, ya knew it was coming... Two words for ya: "personal nullification".

Diogenes said...

I think that if they get 'something' through, there is going to be a lot of that personal nullification.
(for those that don't understand: go here

for a little better education.)

Grumpyunk said...

Great Picture there. Do love me a PSL.

Concerned American said...

Is that an Oleg Volk poster? It's rocks....

Diogenes said...

CA: I believe so, though I really don't recall where I found it.
Grumpyunk, The PSL is a fine tool despite the bad rap of the AK styled reciever. Mine works quite well out to 700 yards (and probably beyond that though I haven't had the op to stretch out that far yet.)

Grumpyunk said...

I have nowhere longer than 200 yards available so far. My PSL is much more accurate than I am so far.
Need more trigger time.