Monday, January 24, 2011

black clouds in my world right now.

and not one of them is due to the weather(for the most part).

Just wrapped up the Hologram of Liberty. I did have one point where I had a "F#$KYEAH!" moment. That was this quote;

The Democrats are the ones that will give you a loan. The Republicans are the ones that will guarantee you a loan. The Libertarians are the ones that will leave you alone.

And really isn't that all we want? Just to be left alone? Our finances left alone?
Our children left alone? What we do behind closed doors, left alone?

Of course that flies in the face of everything that our current 'Elites' want for us: After all, They KNOW better than we, what is best for our future.

Maybe they do, if our future is going to be apart of their future. Of course, having been voted into office by a minimal majority, they don't really fall into that representative role very well. Rather like trying to force a Honda Half shaft into a Toyota. It'll go, but damned if you ain't gonna break something in the process.

That something that is breaking is the foundation of The United States of America.(in all senses of that legal fiction.)

A couple of years ago, I took an interest in the language of Jurisprudence after having a rather drunken conversation with my Public defender(Try to afford a lawyer when you are fighting the CSEA)(as for how we ended up in a bar, long story). Some of the things he illuminated for me made me realize just how much of a disconnect there is between the mundane and the legal-eze world. DISCONNECT! There is a far cry from the language we use EVERYDAY, and the language they use on a regular basis. KWR mentions at one point in HOL that Reading Law requires FOCUS. It does. LOTS OF IT! One little change in punctuation can completely change the focus of an argument or statement. Hence why he wrote Hologram.
Most people read the Constitution and see it at face value. Sounds good, or at least restrictive enough to keep things in line. NOT. This document was written by Lawyers, with an agenda. There was much manipulation and LITTLE counter influence. And all of it was done behind closed doors with little to no documentation of actual conversations of how certain decisions were reached.

Sounds quite a bit like some of the recent events in our current CONgress(es).

Whats my take on it? Right now, its dark. Personally, I feel like we are living on a corpse called America. It hasn't started to leak too many nasty fluids but it really has become quite bloated and is ready to burst open. When it does, its gonna stink like no other EVER. I really think that some of what is in our future is gonna make the Civil War of Lincolns time look like a dress rehearsal. Considering the catastrophic loss of life then, we are in for one hell of a blood bath this time around. IF it comes to that.

I would like to think that there is an alternative. And unless that alternative is found or there is a major Natural catastrophe, I just don't see the PTB backing off any. History has no precedent were that was the case, ever. Power has to be taken away by force, it is NEVER freely given up.

One of the alternatives is a bear trap in disguise and I have mentioned it as such here on occasion. A new Constitutional Convention. The last one is a great example of what happens when a small group gets together to decide the future of a grandly larger group. There is far too much "dependent mentality" within our country now to think we wouldn't turn into a completely socialist country with NO rights other than the 'glorious right to slave for the good of all". I think I will take a pass on that one.
Another alternative is to see if there were a way to split the country peaceably BEFORE its split like it was in the 1860's. Again, this goes back to the Relinquish power without a fight thoughts. Not gonna happen.(extremely unlikely but who knows, stranger things have happened. Ain't gonna hold my breath though)

No, right now I am trying to figure out if building my house is even worth it. Seems to me that I am probably gonna be on the move here in the next couple of years. (depending of course on how all of this all plays out. I will go where like minded people are making a definitive stand. Even if that is in Wyoming.
(brrr! but beautiful.) I am not tied to the ground here by any means. Hence my indecision right now. I know things are going to get worse, MUCH worse before things really take off. I also know that since I started putting things together: the prices for basic building materials have been on a steady rise. Frequent enough that I have had to adjust my building estimates from 25K to 38K. Then I adjusted the build to something smaller since my pay isn't increasing at the same rate.(and depending upon the aftermath of my court date in February,,,,, I will deal with that as it comes, no sense in letting that paralyze me now)


Son of Liberty said...

I've had the same black clouds.

You just have to live your life.
Find pleasure in the small simple beautiful things in life.
Day by day.

somethings going to happen. it's inevitable.

just like death will someday come. but you can sit around and fret about it. You're wasting the precious seconds of your life.

A fight will come in it's due time. so don't fight yourself in the meantime.

try to squeeze the good out of life, position yourself the best you can for the future.
And if it suits you, trust in the man above.

Btw, ol' Kaintuck ain't such a bad place to be. trust me.

Anonymous said...

Anywhere above ground is good !
Well... Maybe not NYC or NJ lol


Diogenes said...

Very true about KY. Not a bad place all in all. My concern is how little people are informed around here. I get the impression of a similar situation building as that of the Civil War. KY never really did take a side until late in the game. There are areas near here where the loyalties still are rather gray. Otherwise, not a bad area all in all. Decent farming areas, (if you don't want large scale, which I don't) decent people that want to help (other than the 'pillheads') and most people are readily able to shoot, nor scared of firearms, and its still an open carry state even if nearly no one does.

Mayberry said...

I'm liking being mobile myself. If it were up to me, I'd make it quite literally mobile, and live in an RV...

Son of Liberty said...

i too am from SE Kain-tuck. My county has a touristy coal mine train and a BIG waterfall...

anyway, sorry Dio, where i'm from there seems to be lots of folks that are awake.

luckily, the scotts-irish, appalachian heritage is still pretty strong there. they're still clannish, backwards, and distrusting of authority (and pretty much anybody they don't know). and thats how i like it. we're still a couple of decades behind the rest of the eastern us.
SE KY would be the Korengal valley of a conflict in CONUS.

i'm stuck out of state currently, but i'll be happy to get back to "them hills" and contemplate a move outwest some day too.

since you are a bibliomaniac i presume you've read "born fighting" by Webb. if not, you should.

sorry for the long posts. yours is on my daily group of sites to lurk, but i've never posted.

Diogenes said...

Mayberry, I was actually thinking about that trailer Idea again. If I can find one, a bus that I can modify is probably the better route for me with my 'interests'. Setting up a small machine shop in the back half could be doable.

Son of Liberty. Welcome. I know that waterfall and tourist train you are talking about. I am not all that far from there. There is a lot of "ch'ain't from 'round 'ere, rya" still but there is a growing influence of drug addiction too. Signs of it in the number of small pharmacies that seem to spring up over night on nearly every city street.

GunRights4US said...

Hey bro... I visited your wish list over at Amazon, so watch your mailbox over the coming days.


GunRights4US said...

Oh and don't pay any attention to that Son of Liberty fellow. He works on commision for the Kentucky Tourist Board! LOL

Just kiddin. He's a real good friend of mine. Even though he's a lousy shot and coudn't hit a bull in the ass with a bass fiddle!


Diogenes said...

GR4Us: thanks for anything you are sending in advance. All is appreciatied. Nothing wrong with hoarding information in addition to ammo and food eh?.

Bull in the ass with a bass fiddle??!!?? Damn, you and he must be REALLY close. ROFLMAO Thanks for that, I really needed a good belly laugh.

GunRights4US said...

We're close enough that I would trust him with my life.

Son of Liberty said...

Thanks for the kind words GR4U! Same too ya.

as far as those other words about hittin a bull in the @$$....dont know much about that.... but little birdies tell me you are capable of shootin a deer in the gut from nearly any range! muahahahaha.