Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Back to the budget for a minute.

There is a big stink about them 'shutting down' the .Gov. We all know that the budget cuts they are proposing are meaningless farts in a Hurricane; they know it as well. Sorry, when you are talking about cutting less than 1/10th of 1% of a trillion dollar budget, you are talking chump change. I have some ideas about cuts and the like but I am just one little scribbler sitting in the wings of the world with NO influence on anything outside of my own little world, while the outside world does have effects on my world. (But I am working on that one.)

The real question in my mind has to do with the "fear" they keep running up. Shutting down the Federal Government. Ask yourself this, "Why are 'THEY' so afraid of a shutdown?"
Two words:

Exposed Irrelevancy.

THEY know they are useless deep in their own 'Collective Conscience'. Having to shut down the Gov would only reiterate that point to them, but worse; to the Society at large. "Oh, the .Gov has been shutdown for 3 weeks? I hadn't noticed!"

For those that were out earning a paycheck when this last happened; Did you notice any 'Glitches' then due to lack of Government? This happened during the Clinton tour if you don't recall. I was living in The Communist state of Kaliforniastan at the time and other than hearing about it, I don't recall one issue arising from it. Nothing. Zip, nada, empty suits showing that they really are empty suits was all I saw. (Well one, but it had everything to do with a lie to the People and was a total accounting shenanigan to 'hide' the real numbers. It also didn't show up until Bush II took office. I am talking about using the SS proceeds to pay for the deficit, essentially placing an IOU in 'the trust fund'. This practice is still in play today though you will never hear about it in the MSM's )

The last thing this administration wants is to have the true irrelevancy of themselves exposed to light.

Granted, it won't make a lick of difference any longer. They are far too entrenched to be pulled out without a violent fight. The ballot box just isn't effective enough and the only way to make it effective is to change the current system with the original intent. Those in power aren't going to allow that to happen.

Certain persons are saying that O'boy is a shoe-in for 2012. I am going to hold my words on that one as I think its far too early to go making predictions. There are many many things that can change, blow up, burn down, fizzle out, or just evaporate.

(if you read those links, you will see one 'glitch' that may do a LOT of damage if, and I stress the if, it happens.)

All I can say about it is, the Chinese curse really does work. "may you live in interesting times'.
And we do, oh but we do.


Mayberry said...

Those two words really do sum it up...

Diogenes said...

Guess we will see how much it really scares them soon enough, eh?