Friday, April 8, 2011

I think I see a dim light.

But its not a light at the end of the tunnel.

For the record, I have been Talking head free for over a week now. Just getting to the point where it matters not if they are NPR or FOX-ish in nature, I get angry just hearing the crap from 'both sides' of the aisle, when its all the same shit; just different ideologies reaching the same end.

A great example.

HT to Theo

There is one thing that Glenn Beck has said in the past though that I totally agree with.
Watch the mans actions not his words.

Sadly, this is exactly what you have to do when your world is so Dominated by Dis-honorable people. Even sadder when the worst one in the lot is also the highest ranking one.(Talk about Failing upwards, This takes that idea to all new hieghts) Yet watching his actions is exactly what needs to be done here. Doing so may illuminate more into what his agenda truly is, far more than his statements (present and past)

While I haven't been listening in to the radio, I have been reading Drudge. Just the headlines show how infantile our 'representatives' are. I say infantile since they act just like a bunch of 1st graders trying to get the teacher to punish 'the other guy'. Both sides know who stole the cookie jar and neither one wants to be the one to actually take the blame. (Doing so, and actually making a change in the way things are done, would be too devastating to their sensitive egos. Especially after 'Bubba' gets finished and passes 'em on to the next guy. If they don't wear a hemp necktie first)

And O'boys commentary about 'being grownups', while on the money at the time, was not much more than a sophomoric retort in light of his own actions.

What is he doing?

My take on things.
Obviously, all of his actions at this point are highly calculated to extend his political clout. No matter how it pans out, he wins (at least for now)
IF they compromise, his "be adults" stance gains him some clout.
IF they don't, and the shutdown happens (with Military pay) his Hesitation to take action 'at first' will open up room for him to "save the day", again, gaining him clout (remember this, not everyone can see through the smoke, they also vote. That is what he is counting on)
IF they don't and the shutdown happens (WITHOUT military pay in place) He will hesitate only long enough for the military to react. Once the lower pay grades start 'acting up' he will step in and "save the day". This serves two functions. Gives him information about the loyalty levels within ranks, opening up room to 'clean house'. AND it gives him Clout with 'saving the day'.

No matter how it pans out, most people won't really notice too much. It really depends upon how long it goes on, how much the media is 'going along' AND if the military doesn't totally rebel.(not likely in my opinion.)

Notice though, its all about him, his power, holding that power, reaching towards that 2012 extension on his power. He knows that the year and a half he has left more than likely won't be enough to 'finish' the job. I am guessing he wasn't as prepared for the backlash he stirred up. It's not near enough but it may be enough to hold the doors a bit longer.

Even so, this is ultimately going to be the real problem for a vast majority of the American populace.

Until that Vast majority realizes that Fiat Currency based upon Debt is just another definition of Slavery; the above Frag is going to be smouldering away until it 'blows'. And that brings us to what may be the ultimate goal with all of this. Financial blow up. I don't understand all of the ramifications of this 'shutdown'. Hell, in my previous post I mentioned the last shutdown and how it went by rather unnoticed. I highly doubt that this one will. There are just too many factors involved, and more than a that are awake. But what if this is just one more step towards the real bubble (the dollar) bursting?

(and yet, I have this sniggling suspicion that the left hand is up to something too. Not just what is going on in MENA but behind closed doors with the Bankers.)

ADDENDUM: added 2 hours after post. John Galt does a GlennBeck impression but brings together some points that only support my above observations. THIS IS A CREATED AND INTENTIONAL ACT! Intentional acts are either Tactical political moves or Warfare or both. Where does O'boy fit in? Politician or Enemy of the State? Discuss amongst yourselves.


RJIII said...

And his puppet master Soros is having a big pow wow on how to fix the world financial system starting today. How convenient.

Diogenes said...

Yup, just saw that. Thinking that there is MUCH more going on than anyone could imagine. Guess we are going to full speed soon. To think I thought we were already at full speed. lol :(

chinasyndrome said...

Dio,Bro that light is the train coming at us!


Soffitrat said...

Where does O'boy fit in? Politician or Enemy of the State?

You know where I stand on this.

Diogenes said...

China: yes I do.
Soffitrat: you realize that is a trick question right? LOL I mean, other than local politics where people work for little to nothing, most politics is enemy action anymore.

David III said...

I am thinking that glow you see is an ember obscured by some smoke.... It will burst into a full fledged flame soon. And about time... let damn well win.