I know, I know, Turn off the PC and grab a beer. Sadly, its not just the PC. Its the radio, the Tube (when My dad has it on and I wander through), and the Iphone (EVIL little device and highly addictive. I need rehab from this thing already) Hell, it has even become my fellow employees. They will ask me "have you heard about XXXXXX? What does it mean to us?" etc etc.
So, no escape.
Now, what does this have to do with sitting in the grandstands of the circus. Mayberry commented in my last post that the circus would still be here. Oh how fitting a term. My comment sums that up.
Sitting in the grandstands, away from the smell but not out of sight, I made a couple of Observations.
I had notes written for a long post on this whole budget SNAFU, but, IT is a SNAFU so why bother wasting precious time on something that we all know is going to get completely wankered and kicked down the road. BOTH parties are at fault and they damned well know it. Getting either to admit it is never going to happen though. Only 3 options really exist there. We go into Hyper-inflation, We re-nig on our debts (and wait for the political/military fallout from that maneuver) OR the entire country desintergrates and a combination of the first two options happens. Either way; without Serious, grab your asscheeks, this is gonna hurt, CHANGES to our mandatory spending, entitlements, and Regulatory over-activity; We are not going to make any positive strides. Without cutting back on how many people the Government employs, there will never be forward movement. Without cutting all of these Golden egg pension plans, we will be sunk. Personally, I think we are well onto that 'Slippery slope' and only gaining momentum. The PTB and MSM are doing their all out best to hide it from the sheep. (Ok, thats one down. Onward. Ho!)
COLLECTIVISM!!!! BAD!!!!! I hope we all agree on this one.
This woman, has entirely the right kind of attitude to fit within O'boys house of cards. Here is why I say that and SHE quotes.
However, when later questioned she defended the administration’s decision in establishing a no-fly zone, adding failure to do so would have been “extremely chilling, deadly and indeed a stain on our collective conscience.”(emphasis mine)
Umm, Ma'am,(and I am only being polite as that is how my parents raised me.) IF you feel that stain on your conscience, maybe you need to look into your own house and find what responsibilities you are forgetting about. Personally, I could give a Flying fuck less if the Libyans slaughter each other, or the Egyptians, or those on the Ivory coast, or those in Syria. They have some cleaning house to do: so do we. Sounds like a personal issue to me. As for that whole "collective conscience" shit. The only reason I am even 'part' of your collective is through occidental premise. We are in the same country. But and I mean BUT! I have not one damned thing in common with you. YOU are a Poo Flinging Monkey while I am a cognizant thinking Human being that is responsible for my own actions.
Now, there is one thing about current events that I agree certain persons on. This preacher is well within his rights on burning the Koran/Qu'ran/ what ever you want to call it this week. I have no issues with him making a statement. Where I do run into a problem is how this effects those we send into harms way. They are already in a shit storm and this event has only stirred the fires up. I don't know what his real intentions are, though I get the impression it is something of a holy war for him too. (Crusades anyone?) I won't say he is only doing this for his 15 minutes of fame, yet I can't rule that out either. (this statement made me lean that way.)
Due to these actions and statements, Our people are really going to have to be on watch that much more. They are a long way from home if the MENA area really goes to hell in a hand basket. They are a long way from home if we lose our means to get them back due to the financial clusterfuck that we all see coming. Just saying.(PS: I will defend his actions as a freedom, I only question his decision to do so with the lives of others hanging in the balance.)
I have some work to do at my mom's over the next couple of days. I will have a chance to talk to a couple of older guys that have a different outlook on our future (they both grew up in the Great Depression and fought in WWII. Always a good time talking to them even if we don't always agree on things) Lets see how my view of the monkey house is when I come back.
Yup he's got the right to do it.
Doesn't mean that he's right to do so
So typical of folks these days, me,me
I, I, I. Don't care bout the consequences of my actions and how it effects others. In short, rude ugly American. Lot of those these days.
Let him burn what he wants. I could care less. The Muslims are too thinned skin.
I might not think much of someone burning a bible, or the U.S. Constition, but I am not going to riot over it.
The very effort to stop him (phone call from Gates) was a mistake. As was all the placating by the Europeans after the Danish cartoon incident.
Russell1200, I am not making any assumptions about "inflation". Note, I said HYPER inflation. There is a difference and I am quite aware of the fact. Yes, we see industry led inflations, as we are seeing now as well as deflations, just like we are seeing now as you mentioned. What worries me is the amount of debt we have, the ability of those that hold that debt to 'call it in' as they desire AND the Bernak talking about raising interests rates.(which have a direct correlation to what we, as a country, have to pay back)
Those lead to hyper-inflation as seen in the Weirmar Republic, Zimbabwe, among many others. Wikipedia has a pretty good article on it.
You mention Crusade, Dio. Has it ever really ceased? After all, that's exactly what this is. It's just pretty much a one way street right now, with us getting in a book burning (or small incursion) jab every now and then.
We are all just poor players, strutting and fretting our hour upon the stage. Then are heard no more...
Russell1200: My apologies, that comment from me was intended for the prior post. I agree with you on his burning things, He could burn his church or even an image or whatever, in effigy and I could really care less. I only pointed out his lack of concern for those people we put into harms way. The other side of it, is his lack of understanding (realization is probably the better word) about the psychotics we deal with on the other end of this battle. It is a battle too. EVERY single one of us may get involved in before it is all done.
Anon. (soffitrat?) This isn't the first time I mentioned Crusades. I have brought this item up a few times in other posts. Yes, we are still embroiled in the Crusades, the difference being our 'lack of faith' in comparison to that of the middle ages. Remember too, in the crusades of the middle ages, We took the battle to them.(and in a sense, we are today also) Maybe its time to stop beating around the bush, but I just can't see the PTB going through with it.
Spud: Shakespeare? If not still a damned fine quote. Yup, just little players on a stage that makes no damned sense most days.
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