Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ruminations, reasoning, and moral ponderings.

Let it not be said that I am wholly moral and upright standing citizen of the United States. I am not. I, like many others in this world, am fallible to the littlest temptation even as I can resist the larger ones. I freely admit to being a chocoholic for example. (That Capital 'U' is the biggest 'legal fiction' ever perpetrated upon this country. Most true southerners know what I mean.)

Yes, the little ones are the ones that eat at you, they are the ones that slowly deteriorate your resolve on the larger issues. And therein lies the problems within our country. Slowly, over time, the little temptations have encroached upon the people of this country, withering away their willpower to resist. The small temptations of convenience have supplanted the larger goals of complete freedom and liberty.
An Example: Being able to access your e-mail, bank account, take calls, get voice-mail when you don't want calls, even entertain yourself from one device has led to a major breech in anonymity. Both Apple and Google are culprits within this. There are more ways to access someones comings and goings in our society now, than even the Chinese have attempted on their people.(supposition I know but probably not off base)
Our 'representatives' have written legislation that would require installation of a GPS device to track vehicle usage 'for Tax purposes'. To assume such a device would remain so innocuous is insane. Even so, the fact that every little thing they do is for Tax purposes leads one to question every motive they have. If they were able to do the things that every honorable (not necessarily honest)person of this country has to do; IE live within their means: Our Country wouldn't be in debt beyond its cranial mass.
And yet, if you look at the markets today, a large majority of the people in this country live 'just like they do' triple mortgages, underwater mortgages, 115 credit cards all running near or maxed, Car loans, student loans, boat loans, rec Veh loans, etc etc etc. Calling them crooks by most would be calling the kettle black. The only real difference is that the persons with all of those debts don't look to others to pay the debt. Hard to demand (legislate) a raise(Tax) when you work in the public sector.

And yet, I have hope.

Read history. Even recent history. Ferfal does an excellent blog on surviving an economic collapse. One point that repeats itself, time and again, is that society may go into massive upheaval, but PEOPLE continue on. Even so far as having micro-economies within active warzones. Yes, we have one issue that most of these countries did not have and that is SIZE. Our country is massive and yet, most people tend to congregate within small sectors in huge proportions. These will feel the worst of a collapse far faster than say, Lost River, Idaho.

I know, we all know these things. What I am trying to point out, WE preppers already have a leg up on the competition. Those of us that are in the 'boonies' are even better off. Unless there is a call to remove 'certain individuals' from society, chances are better for those of us that have made certain 'we have insurance' in place.

SO. Bug out or Bug in. Obviously a situational decision. But, have you thought the realities of either situation? Have you a 'plan C'? or even D and E?

Health matters will also weigh in. Admit it, none of us is getting any younger and we are all starting to show signs of wear and tear. I was recently reminded of this fact (thankfully not directly). There is a reason the young go to war and not the old farts that know the real reasons behind the fight. (but there is that old adage of 'don't mess with an old guy, he will just kill you, not fight you.')
Chances are (arguable point), bugging in is going to be the majority in our decisions. There may be severe communications failures (and that is really my biggest fear). There WILL be severe disruptions in transportation, and shipping. That is going to be the Achilles heel of this country (more specifically, large metropolis')

And it is all by design.

And another SO! Are you ready?

IF you are like me, only in your own mental state. I can spend every dime I have from now, to the collapse on preps and not be ready. But mentally, I have no problems. I am at peace with what is coming. Knowledge is the key here. I may not have it, but I can make it (mostly). The reason I fear loss of communications is a lack of knowledge in that area. Its one lack I am working on rectifying now. ( and the funny part being, I was a sound engineer playing will all of the tools of the trade and I haven't the first clue how to transmit a signal in radio.) I know that if push comes to shove, I can grab my BOB and hit the trail running. I won't be the most comfortable Joe on the trail, but by God, I won't be forced to join the zombie hoards either. Most of what makes my BOB work is not whats in it, but whats in my head. The BOB is only a tool; like my rifle or my knife.

I have hope. I know we can pull out of this, it will only take time and be painful (or terminal) to the vast majority of the people of this country. Like any birth, pain and blood are just a part of the package. It is going to take adults to protect the new child and teach it.


GunRights4US said...

On bugging out: I’ve decided I don’t want to live in a tent, sweating my ass off and swatting mosquitos away; all the time running from Leviathan. I have concluded that I would rather rest comfortably in the knowledge that my soul is right with Jesus, and then steer a course directly into the maelstrom! I didn’t stock up on ammo in order to use it as poker chips.

Diogenes said...

I hear ya, the only reason I would bug out is in a "your goin to the camps" situation. Then, Do as much damage as possible and leave nothing of value behind. If they kill me in that process, I am ok with that too. Would rather 'stick around' to create as much havoc as possible but other than that, Staying put.

Mayberry said...

It's a personal matter... Me, I'd rather sweat my ass off in a tent and pick off the zombies one by one from a comfortable distance with my "long reacher" than spend a short while in "comfort" just to die in a five minute fire fight...