Saturday, May 8, 2010

Further response to Comments.

This is actually in response to comments from Mayberry. I was posting comment back and realized that I had a LOT more to say.

Here is the comment for those that hadn't seen it.

Matberry:That is beyond frightening that the brainwashed leftists produced by our "education" system think that comes from the Founders, or the Constitution. Absolutely sickening....

Me:There are so many aspects of our current society that, I guess 'horrify' me would be the correct word. This attitude of Entitlement is only one of them. Entitlements are the reason we are seeing the riots in Greece right now. And I can't say those rioting are wrong. They were promised something that they were paying into and are now being told they get the short end of the stick. I would be mad too.

Sounds a little like Social Security and Medicare doesn't it. Every one has been paying into it but only a few are going to be able to collect on it. Ponzi Scheme at its finest.

Lots of interesting times ahead of us, Keep the Barnacles off you boats. You may need the speed soon enough.

(back to this post)
Yes the Leftists have had control of our learning institutions for some time. Dewey had a lot to do with that back in the early part of the last century. I was fortunate enough to have some damned good teachers in my lifetime that hadn't fallen prey to that mentality. I wanted to be a teacher due to their influence. Having seen the way the winds were blowing and knowing in my gut(though I didn't then have a solid basis for it) that there was something substantially wrong with the system(this was during the Reagan Years), I chose to not go that route.

Education is everything in the long run. I am not talking about your Ivy league booklearned idiots either. I am talking about the basics that should be taught from the start. Societal standards, basic education, the learning process, etc. You can teach a person anything but if you don't teach them how to learn, you have accomplished nothing. A good teacher will get the lesson plan out in such a way the students will be encouraged to enjoy the subject. A great teacher will set it up so the student will seek out more information on their own(without encouragement)

seeing how the Education system has degraded to little more than adult daycare in most of the country, I worry about any hope for things to improve, no matter what happens outside of the economy, politics, etc. Thats not to say there aren't highly educated and intelligent people out there. There are, but I see what most of the schools are turning out and I get a knot in my gut. I feel for those teachers that really care too. The system is set up to kill any good points they attempt.

I have had this discussion before with some around me. I was chastised about how great the system is and how more and more people are getting degrees. Sorry, Heinlein nailed it when he called a PhD "Piled higher and Deeper". Look at the letters sent home from the Civil War and compare those to the Language we are seeing on the nets (youtube comments are the worst.) Its sad when you need to interpret a paragraph at a time as if you were reading a foreign language. Here's the kicker. Those letters from the Civil War: Most of those written were educated to the 6th or 8th grades at most. Some progressed on the "Higher School" and many of those went on to the Universities. But most were either home schooled, taught in small schools by a locally hired teacher who was teacher, principle, administration, and disciplinarian.(and sometimes doubled as the town librarian.) Larger schools were a bit more than that obviously but the premise was the same. Bottom heavy responsibility. Small administrative staffs if any.

Now we have more admin than staff. And that doesn't just go for schools but for EVERY aspect of our lives. When the Government has locked up 50+% of the work force and the Private sector is less than a third of the actual 'working age' society, We are on a slippery slope to hell.

I hate hearing how we are a democratic society. Those that have read history know that this is so far from what was intended. Franklin said it, "A republic Ma'am, if you can keep it." We didn't and while they call it a Democracy, in all actuality, we are, Argue with me on it if you want, Already a socialist society pretending to Democracy. More people are on the public dole, receiving things that are promised by those with the power to make promises but no real power to provide.

So, Is Gerald Right?

Between the Education of Entitlement(read indoctrination/propaganda), The GOoBerment, and the economy tanking, banking industries of corruption. I have to say Ayup!

Have a good weekend all. Get some preps in, have a few suds, do some walking and other passive training. If you have the luxury of oodles of ammo, get some practice time in. It's a comin to a town near you.


chinasyndrome said...

Diogenes,if they think it will be when we in the working class up rise It won't be anything compared to welfare you owe us class.America is going down hopefully we who prep will come through ok.


chinasyndrome said...

will be bad is what that was to say.My fingers can't keep up with my brain.


Diogenes said...

That was what I was getting at with this post. What is happening in Greece is a great example of what happens when those that feel entitled get uptight or rejected.

LOL, I completely understand what you mean about your fingers not keeping up. I usually re-read my posts a couple of times before I send 'em up. Always some typos or missing words somewhere.