Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Not a lot to say.

Been working on getting a full time job somewhere(even part time would be better than staring at the walls) and I upgraded my PC.

I have been watching the winds and nothing seems to have changed any. The winds are still blowing ill for the future. I see the writing on the wall and there really doesn't seem to be much to do but wait for the inevitable. I prepare my mind and body now and prepare my circumstances to the best of my ability with what I can spare. Things are getting tighter I have noticed. Not much individually, but across the board it adds up. The utilities are going up slightly, food costs are going up, etc etc. I have noticed that the fuel costs have been pretty much rock steady over the last few months. It makes me wonder if there isn't a certain amount of manipulation going on there. Seeing how the whole system is rigged, I have a hard time seeing it any other way.

I will post more later in the week. I just don't have a lot to say right now.

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