Wednesday, April 27, 2011

border wars

On a little state road overlooking the Texas Arkansas border. I am about 50 miles south of Texarkana. I don't see anything . What the hell, Give me a fence or a bunch of cars to work around or something. Seems like they are making this easy. Soffitrat is about 120 miles away and I still have my trike, now loaded down with 6-1 gallon milk jugs of water in addition to the rest of the gear and ammo. Think I will sit tight and see if there are patrols or something. I brought one thing that I hope may 'ease' tensions some IF I do run into 'the new border patrol'. A Gadsden Flag. One can hope anyways.

When we started getting plans together to head out and 'see the world', we started having internal issues with “I don't want to do anything” and the usual suspects were also the ones that at one time had been dependent upon the Government for support. Several of them were former pillheads. Within one week of my leaving out, there was a confrontation with one that ended up in him dead and swinging in the breeze. No judge, no jury, none needed. He had been caught redhanded with stolen goods and the owner took matters into his own hands. Hopefully, that was a lesson that won't need retaught. I had no idea what the motivation was behind the theft but it really doesn't matter any longer.

Granted when things start improving, there will need to be some sort of justice system. I am thinking a system setup similar to the one envisioned by Heinlein in 'Mistress' will be sufficient. Both sides 'purchase' a Judge(shared cost), both sides agree to abide by the judges decree BEFORE trial, The judge hears the case and decides the merit of the accused and accusers then makes his decision. (if you have never read the moon is a harsh mistress, do so. Libertarian rant fest but well worth the read with many great ideas on how to set up , or not, a government)

While sitting here waiting, I am having a conundrum. Do I Return home to drag the family here, or do I retreat home to hope for the best. Obviously, I am going to wait and see what I find but the hint of an actual republic in Texas is tempting. Then again, where we are is complete anarchy and a welcome relief to the crap I dealt with the first 43 years of my life. Hard work yes, but the end results are mine to keep or share as I see fit.

There are never any guarantees in life. Well, there is one. You will die. Can't get around that one. There is some control over the method of your death however.

What would we do if given the choice again. Our founders had a choice to make and did so. For several years, we ran without a constitution and everything was just hunky-dory. I am sure that there were some issues, but if people are fully in control of their own lives, they tend to make better decisions. We were in control to some extent but there were so many rules and regulations to 'abide by' that sometimes not making a decision was safer than trying to do anything. Safety is now back in our hands, decision making is now back in our hands. Will we screw it up and piss it away like we did the last time? Like the Romans did? Like the Russians did? Like the French did? The only thing I know, no matter what direction we go in, I won't be alive to see the fall of it this time. That will be many generations down the line. I can only teach my kids what I know and hope they are strict enough on their kids to pass it on and keep the lessons taught for generations to come.

Just saw 3 ATV's go flying down the road. Now that I see them, I also see a rut they have been making. Time to go sit and wait for them. I would rather have a peaceful meeting than a violent confrontation. I know I saw longarms on the racks of the ATV's and I wouldn't expect people to be running around unarmed in a war zone (and this area is one though rather calm for one) ATV's that are running?. Either they didn't get hit hard with the EMP down here, or they had things prepared in advance. More questions without answers. For now. Soon enough, soon enough.

Morning. I hear a couple of ATV's coming in the distance. Time to set up my 'trap' and see if I catch a bear or the bear catches me.


Well, well, That went much better than I expected. Made it to John's house in less than three hours once I was able to establish that I am 1) not a spy and 2) that I am here to 'work as an ambassador for Kentucky' (that last is still leaving me a bit tickled. That was the Captains idea since it is obvious that I had walked quite a long way to get here.)
Sitting here on the porch overlooking his 'estate'/shooting range enjoying the smells coming off the BBQ and a cold beer. After the initial meet and greet (considering we know each other from the web but had never met.) Getting the scoop on things was a real eye opener. I am copying the original Paper that was published the day after the EMP's went off. (apparently they did get one down here but it was detonated too high, there were some failures but nothing like up north.
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We the people of Texas, having seen the corruption and systematic dismantling of the Constitution of the united States, have unanimously voted to revoke the charter with said entity as is a prerequisite of our Original agreement. The recent events of the Federal Government attacking the citizens of its own country with non-lethal weapons, with the intent of subduing a faction that stood for the original intent of the the Constitution , was an onerous and crucial mistake. A blatant disregard for any of the original Declarations in the Bill of Rights: The Entity that calls itself the Federal Government is now charged with Breech of Contract, Multiple violations of the all of the Amendments of the Bill of Rights and given future death tolls due to the original breech, War crimes to include Genocide.

We the PEOPLE of Texas hereby Rescind any and all affiliations with said entity, vow our lives and honor to defend OUR land from intrusion by said entity and now consider any interstate contracts with states unwilling to withdraw support from said entity, null and void. Any encroachment upon or within the borders of the Republic of Texas will be dealt with in extreme prejudice. Indirect attacks will result in immediate retaliation upon the City of Washington, in the District of Columbia.

The PEOPLE have spoken that it is time for Responsible Government and simple laws.

Forthwith, all immigrants, have 30 days to either approach a house of law to swear allegiance to the Republic or remove themselves from our country. After 30 days, you will be considered a potential spy or terrorist and dealt with on an as come basis. All entitlement programs created by the former Government will be suspended within 30 days except in cases of severe health issues: Considerations for these will be made within that time period. All In-state commerce is now subject to a flat tax rate of 9%, there will be NO Income or entitlement taxes: This will include commerce between business's. Import Tariffs are being decided upon, please bear with us while we make the transition.

For the interim, the Coinage of the united States will be acceptable for transactions. Current yield will be against the Canadian Dollar for price setting. Until our Republic is able to establish a new currency this will have to suffice: again, please bear with us while we make the transition.

Federal Prisons within the borders of Texas will have a review of the inmates to determine those guilty of political crimes vs violent crimes. Those that have been incarcerated for non-violent, victim-less crimes will be released. They are free to return to their former homes. Those that wish to remain within Texas will have a full review of their cases to see if they are fit to return to society and those that are, will receive temporary accommodations to ease their transition. For all others, there will be a review of cases by a panel of judges and peers to determine new sentencing. The prisoner will have a chance to make their case again in front of said review. For

Capital punishment is back in full force, no appeals with execution to be delayed by no more than 48 hours.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

There is more where that came from yet more than I care to put down here.

Here is my issue: Government was the problem. Not The People. Granted that is an arguable point but as a whole, the people themselves were pretty harmless against the entire mess. Collectively, they were a nightmare unleashed. The powers that were elected represented that nightmare.

And here I sit reading something that on the surface sounds danged good but my suspicions run very deep now. You can color a turd whatever color you want, put some shine on it and fact remains, its a turd. If it weren't for the fact that there were a government encroaching upon my little slice of anarchy, I probably wouldn't have found need to come here. Sadly, I see the flip side of the coin too. Anarchy is a power vacuum and nature abhors a vacuum. So long as there are powerbrokers in the world looking to expand their power base, we will have to form groups to defend our ways of life. To not do so is to accept the inevitable bullet to he temple or the ovens.. Choice is yours.

You can pick it apart until the sun collapses and never come up with a satisfactory answer. Philosophers have been debating these points since Ancient Greece(documented) and probably longer than that. I know that there are better thinkers than I that are just as stumped on this dilemma. I am just a tinkerer looking to make lives simpler, not rule the world.


Anonymous said...

I must be missing something. Is this story a portion of a book that is being written??? Or, is this actually happening in real time???

Newark, Ohio

Diogenes said...

Doug, this is an ongoing thing. If you click the Label "My Fictions" at the bottom it will bring up all of the posts accordingly. You would have to start at the beginning obviously.

Anonymous said...

Border war is for real down here in south Texas. Local news KRGV_TV - Weslaco Texas) has a news blurb on U.S. military Predator drones being used to patrol the border, looking for bad guys. Pretty incredible piece of machinery - hope the PTB don't decide to use it against their own citizens.

Diogenes said...

"hope the PTB don't decide to use it against their own citizens. "

Oops, ya spoke too soon. doing it, planning on expanding upon that. Look into use of the drones in Miami Dade counties in Florida. Not sure as to actual numbers, but there are several on roll out to various law enforcement groups around the country. Most are nowhere near a border (north or south)

dunno who ya are, and you are welcome to sign off in the comments. Follow along, things are picking up, not just in my story either.

Diogenes said...

For those late to the game, I added a fictions page to the blog. You can find it under the header next to home. Its only link so you will have to double tap. LOL

Spud said...

At last, a good reason to have a Gadsden flag. ( those who fly it currently only advertise to those which are against them, also stating a possible resupply depot for zombie neighbors )
Guess I gotta get one, for later use

Anonymous said...

Good tune. So far... :) Hopefully the fiddler doesn't get lost.

Diogenes said...

Anon 11:22 thinking this is SoffitRat, if so, the fiddler is replacing some strings and retuning. Played a little too fast at first.

CorbinKale said...

SoffitRat is a good man. I've put a couple of rounds down that range you spoke of. :)I'm about midway between him and Texarkana. You'll be very welcome in East Texas, should you decide to head this way.