Friday, April 1, 2011

watch this tributary meander.

Y'all know that I drive a stupendous amount for my job. If you draw a line N/S from Looivulle and one E/W from Mexington, you divide KY into four parts. I drive pretty much every single part of that lower eastern corner in 4 days.

Its rough, actually the hardest job I have ever done while sitting on my ass for the duration. But it gives me a chance to observe things without a media bias. I get to see time in process and regression in some cases. (let me tell you about route 30 near Pikeville sometime. WOW, talk about a step back in time. Mule drawn plows and all!)

Today, being April Fools day, I got to see many many many fools. I drive by about 2 dozen Big Sis marts in my travels on a daily basis and today showed me just how scary THIS article is going to be. While I have to say that a vast majority of what I saw today probably DON'T work, the fact that they are attached to Nanny states Tit is bad enough. Either way, the end result is the same. Someone (read: you and me) is paying for all of this with sweat and blood at the end of the day. Remember TANSTAAFL. These people don't have a clue what that term means.
What I am talking about are the tribes of welfare cases flocking to the great gig in the lot because they 'just got paid'. When I worked in the Hospital in Cincy, we called the first of the month "mothers day". Its gone way beyond mothers day now. It extends to many different levels of the dispossessed.(That term is actually highly inaccurate but that is how these people see themselves.) Throw in the fact that Wally's Higher management released a statement about Inflation kicking in soon, and you fan a fire that is getting ready to get extraordinarily out of control. Well, thats like the meteorologist predicting revelation sized snowstorms: people react by clearing shelves.
Yes, we are going to see a lot more inflation here soon. With the beans getting spilled on the hill, the stupidity of a Government gone wild, more active wars at one time that we have EVER had, unemployment operating at the 'new norm', ....%^%&*&^%###$%^&&*!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could go on and on but you all know the same story.

I see stories about further transgressions by Public Unions, More and more states verging on bankruptcy, our own country bordering on Hyper-inflation, hell, more than half the world is borderline to insolvency. I read works on pre-Nazi Germany and how the strife within that country more resembled a Civil war than political unrest. I guess my real question is; When will we start to see the breakdown here? You know its coming, there are far too many that are addicted to 'easy money' to let it go willingly.

And of course, yet again, we all know were that easy money comes from. Well, where it used to come from. Since Free markets have been extinct in this country since before WWII, its not so simple to determine where money really flows from anymore. Its not like we actually MAKE money or anything, we only get scrip entitling us to someones debt.
Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants and debt is the money of slaves.
Traditional (HT to Remus for the quote.)

Monetary instruments, when taken out of the hands of those that create true value and placed into the hands with an agenda, become tools to enslave good people. We are there. We have been there for a LONG time. All I have to do is watch the hoard swarm a wallyworld on the beginning of the month and I KNOW where this country stands.

Morals? Few and far between.
Values? Only for the new video game or latest piece of tech.
Honor? I don't even need to go there do I?

Granted all of those are really just extensions of one thing. Something this country is sorely lacking in. We all know it, we fear it more than we fear dying.
This country has lost its soul. The one that inspired a small group of 'bandits' Businessmen, and career militarymen to sacrifice everything they owned in the gamble to 'get out from under the thumb' of a tyrant.

I think its time to take a break from the blog.

See ya'll in a week.


Mayberry said...

Reality is a bitch, especially when there ain't much you can do about it. Take a break. Recharge. The circus will still be there...

Spud said...

Or Not....

Diogenes said...

Circus? Good one, lots of monkeys, elephants and Jackasses with a more than a few giant snakes and reptiles thrown in for good measure. Oohhh, I forgot about the clowns, lots of those too.

Only problem with this 'circus' is a complete denial of a Ring Master. We know there is one but no one is totally certain "who" it is.

Don't worry Spud, I will be back on this week. Probably on Wednesday when I get back from helping my mom get her tractor fixed and the garden started. So much for a day off but at least I won't be tempted to read the headlines as I will be completely beat when all is said and done.

Spud said...

Always the conundrum for myself, do I stay in Fla. or retreat to Idaho, where I can assist my mom.

russell1200 said...

Be careful about the inflation assumption. It can lead to mistakes. Standard inflation has costs increasing (mostly) across the board.

However, in earlier (precious metal standard) times they had inflation. But it was not across the board. You would have inflation in food, or land that could produce food. But the price of manufactured items tended to be relatively flat.

This is what we have today, except that because of a bubble bursting you actually have deflation in real estate. Real Estate is an enormous market compared to either the stock or bond market. If you get poor there, you really get poor.

So if you hold onto your cash, you will likely be able to buy more house, but less food (or major food inputs like fuel).

Anonymous said...

I find it funny that those people you mention will not lift a finger to work, but will get off their arses to loot, pillage, and raise hell in general when the checks stop coming in. Many of them are currently drawing disability checks because they are too sick to work, yet I'll bet we'll get to watch them roll around in a gravel parking lot to lift the belongings off of some innocent passerby. Yes, we are a very sick society.

Diogenes said...

Anon: that is the nature of entitlement-itus. I think of a large portion of our society as the Gimme-gimme tribe. Once they aren't being bribed into complacency, they will lead the charge of "Take it if it ain't bolted down".
Thats ok as I am ready and willing to do what I have to when that time comes. Most around here already know that I can hit a 6" balloon at 50 yards with my .45 and that I am even better with my rifle. That has made the "current excursions on property" nonexistent. Guess they are afraid this old dude will shoot first and ask later.(and they may be right.)