Sunday, May 29, 2011

Make of it what you will.

He built a crooked little house
upon a hill overlooking the river
With a three legged dog,
and a one eyed cat
his life was simple,
without want or need

Then the rain came and his neighbors began to moan
within weeks FEMA came to “help”
Seeing his crooked little house
and his three legged dog
they thought he was in distress
so they bulldozed the house
and put the dog to rest.

Now he sits in his rotting trailer,
addicted to pain killers and foodstamps
feeding his one eyed cat dead rats.
His life is simple,
with only wants and needs;
for a crooked little house,
and a three legged dog.

Just a little ditty I awoke to this morning and couldn't shake.

Welcome to the new world order. The spark has been struck, question is: will it become a flame.

Keep your goals simple, keep them to yourself, have 2 ways in and as many out as you can find or figure up, and above all, NEVER EVER FUCKIN TALK ABOUT IT. EVER!

Build ya a crooked little house. Something that we all know you will be proud of.

purple rhinoceros alpha two six

1 comment:

Mayberry said...

I'd like a crooked little house. Or a crooked little sailboat.

Roger wilco...